
文章出處:登峰美語小補丸 電子報

big time = 重要時刻?!

實用指數:90 %

相較於西方文化,華人並沒有老外那種「準時」的觀念,因此所有大小活動的邀請卡上,都會將入場時間提早一個鐘頭,讓大家有個「能夠」遲到的緩衝期。英文當中,on time 與 in time 的用法,我們大概還可以望文生義一下,不過 big time 又是什麼意思呢?


A: Are you ready to go ?
B: Big time. I thought this day would never come.

(A. 準備好要走了嗎? )
(B. 完全好了。我還以為這一天永遠不會來呢。 )


big time adv. 確實是這樣;完全如此  


Ann:It's a beautiful restaurant.

Travis:Not half as beautiful as you.

Ann:You must tell that to all the girls !

Travis:Only if I take them to fast food places . You're the only one who measures up here.

Ann:Anyway , I think I'd better be careful with the likes of you...

Travis:I'm the one who should be careful. You've already got me under your spell.

Word & Phrases:

1. Not half as beautiful as 沒有.........一半的美麗
2. measures up 配得上
3. the likes of you 你這種人
4. under your spell 被你迷住


Yoga:瑜伽運動 Over at Jerry's


Yoga 瑜伽,一種四千多年前就發展出來的修行法,現在已經擴展到全球。瑜伽常被誤解為只和身體姿勢有關。事實上,在瑜伽的演化中有被稱為阿斯坦加的八支行法。這八支行法提供了如何過一個有意義、有目標人生的遵循方針。跟著小丸子一起,拿起您的墊子向這經得起時代考驗的修行法致敬!


Diane:You have a book about yoga on your coffee table. Are you practicing yoga
Jerry:Of course not.Do I look like a tree-hugging hippie to you ? My sister left it here. She thought I might find it useful.

Diane:So have you found it useful ?
Jerry:Well,I have used it as a beer coaster a few time. You know,I really should buy some coasters to protect the table...

Diane:Jerry!Come on -if anyone could use a little boost in healthy living,it's you!
Jerry:Tell me how doing sun salutations can help a guy like me.

Diane:Well,meditation will help you think clearer, and your body could sure use some conditioning. You are about as flexible as this table!

Word list

1. practicing yoga 練瑜伽  
2. coaster 杯墊
3. boost 增加;促進  
4. sun salutations 拜日式 ( 瑜伽體位法 )
5. meditation 冥想  
6. conditioning 調節;調整
7. flexible 柔軟的;有彈性的

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